Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rather Vocalized Illusion on: Upcoming Twilight Video

Now that I've gotten a new computer, I can start leaving more frequent updates on my blog. I guess the thing to talk about is what happened a couple of weeks ago.

I recieved an e-mail from a Twilight Fan Club (1 out of the eighty billion of them) asking for (and I'm not making this up) a "Fair and Balanced review of the series".

Now, we all know that while it makes a lot of money at the Box office, Twilight gets negative reviews from critics and society. I'll admit that a lot of the reviews can never seem to get off the "Sparkling Vampire" aspect of the story when there are a bunch of other things you can rip on as well. The story is poorly written, the romance is forced, and the characters are emotionless wooden puppets. But for all that, it continues to make money. The books even continue to sell a lot, but I think I figured out why.

That really says it all, doesn't it?

Now a 4-minute RVI isn't enough to talk about everything from the story that needs to be critisized but I do all that I can. The video will be coming out after The Arrogance of Age is released, which is nearing completion already. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the image.


  1. I have a lot of reasons for disliking Twilight (read them because I was hoping to for somethign to smack sense into those characters, jeez I was disappointed). I'll probably write about that at length.

  2. i wish you can make more episode of rvi,but the Old are better the the LIVE version for some resion to me..maybe because the images of the character are funny and i remember more from the Old one then the live one.i would love it if you can make an RVI(old version)an episode about pokemon.butdont make it about the creepypasta.but a creepypasta episode i would like for you to finish.the BURYMAN episode(the one you got interuped from the whole episode).please make more episode about pokemon . :-)

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